Thanks to a long three day weekend I had the time to sew like crazy. Daddy and Sarah played in the other room while the I slaved under the heat of a hot iron and temperamental sewing machine. However, I did manage to crank out an adorable sleeping bag with matching backpack for sleepovers. I found a great tutorial for the sleeping bag
here, and another amazing tutorial with printable pattern for the backpack
here. Sarah is now ready for an overnight visit with grandparents.
The sleeping bag was really easy to make up until the part where I had to sew lines across the width of the bag to keep the batting in place. First problem, I can not sew a straight line to save my life. Second problem, my machine hates me and decided to stop sewing half way through. I decided to put the machine in time out to think about what it did and just tied the sleeping bag with yarn. I also used velcro to "close" the bag instead of a zipper because it is for a toddler.
The back pack was so easy to make and it looks professional. There are no zippers or snaps so the sewing challenged, like myself, can make this without fear. Plus, it is easier for little hand to get in and out of the bag. Now for all the grandparents, here is a bunch of pictures of Sarah playing with her new things.
And this is what Sarah thought of all the pictures. |